Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Time for Diversity Workshops again!!!

Seal of the United States Equal Employment Opp...Image via Wikipedia

I am pretty much fed up with people who believe confessing to cheating, slandering and otherwise admitting they have done some evil thing makes it ok. I have heard local politicians minimize their foul play and scandalizing as no worse than an jaywalking ticket. Are we to just roll over and accept this behavior as being a fault which is now forgiven? Are we to give a blank sheet of full pardon? Are we to allow them, whoever they are, to blame the economy or their parents or someone or something else for their problems? I don't think so. I think its about time for people to be held accountable for their actions. I think its time to put dialogue and workshops in place to help everyone understand they are responsible for actions they take and for their own behavior. I think adults need to be adults and act like parents instead for their children's friend. Your prodigy needs guidance and you need to be a role model. That's right, like it or not, a role model. Your children are looking up to you for direction, for values, for responsibility, for safety, for security and adults need to deliver. Sensitivity to these issues and being held accountable are things we all need to be aware of. Hurting other people is not acceptable. Being a stalker, a cheater, a bigot, a bully, and you know the rest of the not acceptable. If you are in today's workforce and have not had any type of Diversity Workshops and I mean real workshops, its time to get into those sessions. If your company doesn't offer it, contact your Human Resources department and demand everyone receives it. Diversity, acceptance, sensitivity and all forms of tolerance needs to be understood. You may discover a bias or a fault you have which you didn't even know about. Its important and it needs to be part of YOUR education. In fact, you may want to connect with the Global Coaching and Consulting Group who do a quite capable and inspirational job of delivering this type of training ( ).

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